Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Simple Woman's Daybook: What will the wind blow in?

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today, September 18, 2012

Outside my window...the wind is a blowin! Living on top of a mountain sure is exciting!
I am thinking...how lucky I am that I get to have the freedom to teach some fun kids. I get to 
challenge them and feed them knowledge. I get to have the flexibility that I will need this 
year. I get to give my best to help a school grow. My heart is so happy right now. I will not
be getting paid, but this is exactly what I need. I feel so blessed!

I am thankful...I'm thankful for the people in my life who have given me a chance to do big 
things. I feel like Pickles the Fire Cat. I am not happy inside a house, I need to be outside 
doing big things. 

In the kitchen...is a clean counter! I will be messing it up later when I bake a pumpkin 
(dreaming about pumpkin cake and company), roast a chicken, and steam some broccoli
for supper. More cookies will be baked again today too. WHERE are all of the cookies I 
made last Sunday? Today is only Tuesday!!!

I am wearing...white denim capris and a bright orange polo. Wearing bright colors makes 
me feel so cheerful!

I am creating...a large pile of laundry to fold! As the winds blow like mad, I'm washing 
clothes like mad! I am excited to try a Pinterest trick to get deodorant stains out of my 
favorite green shirts. 

I am going..to school tomorrow!!!!!! I can't wait to teach tomorrow morning. I will not get 
paid for it, but I can't wait to go back and do it again. I'm really feeling conflicted about the 
teacher strike in Chicago. Sometimes I think unions might be a good thing, others I just 
don't think so. I'm just really concerned that the children are being overlooked and their 
learning should be the most important focus of all of the adults involved.

I am wondering... what Carl will tell me when he comes home from school today. Today is 
the first day of chess club. This amazing boy of mine lives for chess. No one will play with 
him around here anymore. I hope he finds a friend who loves chess as much as he does. 

I am reading...textbooks... always with the textbooks! Today's book is Education of the 
Gifted and Talented by Gary A. Davis, Sylvia B. Rimm, and Del Siegle. I am actually 
enjoying this book, but reading it has opened my eyes to some major mistakes that I 
made as a young mom of two little, gifted boys. If only I could have read this book before 
Carl went to Kindergarten... 

I am hoping... that my patio chairs don't blow away! They are definitely attempting to 
levitate off of the patio...

I am looking forward to... tomorrow! I will have a big college assignment turned in, and I 
will get to go hang out with some fun kids. I'm so lucky! 

I am learning...how to keep my head in the game. I get excited about things, or horribly sad
about things and then I don't get what I need to done around here. I need to stay on my 
diet. I can do this! I'm learning how valuable good friends can be to keeping me on the 
good track.

Around the house... there is waiting in the air. Waiting for the boys to burst in through the 
door. I love when my boys come home from school!

I am pondering...how to keep myself thinking positive thoughts. I am pondering what I 
have stashed in the garage that I can pull out for the kiddos to learn with. 

One of my favorite things...Chock Full of Nuts coffee: what a crazy name for coffee that 
has no nuts in it at all!

A few plans for the rest of the week...spending time teaching some fun kids, chaperoning 
Caleb's history field trip, a homecoming parade, a homecoming pep band performance at
 a football game, and the first day of fall.

A peek into my day...

A cup of tasty joe in a special cup, given to me by a special friend.

A favorite quote for today... "It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative 
expression and knowledge." Albert Einstein

Thank you for stopping by to visit my Daybook. I hope the wind blows something 
marvelous your way today! 


1 comment:

  1. It would be so great to sit with you while our pumpkins bake and have a nice cuppa! I found a sign just for you about 1912 teachers and the rules that applied to them. I hope your Carl had a great time and found some challenging Chess opponents! Oh, dear! I once thought Chock Full of Nuts was some sort of snack and I couldn't ever find it in the store. I had a great coupon for it! The Hubs finally informed me that it was coffee and I was never going to find it by the Planters Peanuts...go ahead and laugh. I did!!
